Family Visa


Overseas residents who have Australian relatives may be eligible for certain type of visa provided that the Australian resident/citzen is willing and able to sponsor the overseas relative. Many people  obtain residency through a family visa and then become eligible to sponsor other relatives themself. For example, say an Australian marries a Vietnamese citizen, who then becomes an Australian permanent resident (given they meet all other requirements). The now permanent resident may sponsor their parents via a Parent Visa.



Australians may sponsor their parents to come and live in Australia.

The main problem with parent visas is the 'capping system'. Immigration currently grants 2150 parent visas per year. There are over 22,000 parent visa applications in waiting. At this rate, a parent visa application lodged now would take around 20 years to be processed.  

Alternatively, Australians may sponsor their parents through the 'Contributory Parent" visa program. This visa is much faster but also far more expensive. At the moment, it takes around 18 months to process and costs around $42,000 per parent plus a Centrelink bond of $10,000 per couple.




Partner visas are for Australians who enter spousal (married) or de facto relationships with overseas residents. Many people in Australia on temporary visas and develop serious relationships with an Australian in Australia. Alternatively, many Australians meet their partners overseas. Visas are provided for both these circumstances. What's most important is the genuineness of the relationship. In assessing genuineness, immigration will consider,

  1. whether there is a genuine and long term commitment to share a life together, and
  2. whether the relationship is exclusively between 2 people.

Immigration is quite stringent in this assessment. For further advice, please contact us.

In regard to the type of relationship, Australia does not discriminate between opposite and same sex relationships. Same sex couples must meet the same requirements and have the same rights as opposite sex couples.

Partner visas are not subject to the capping system. There is no limit to how many can be granted in a year. Therefore processing times are relatively faster for partner visas.



If an Australian is seriously ill and cannot obtain proper care from Australian relatives or community services, that person may sponsor an overseas relative to live in Australia to care for him or her. The relative must be willing and able to provide the necessary care. They must show an understanding of their sponsor's conditions and what care must be provided.

Applicants must show they can support themselves financially if living in Australia. At the same time they are expected to provide substantial care to their relative. Therefore it is difficult for Applicants to work. Balancing between financial and care requirements must be carefully planned.



This visa is for overseas residents who only have relatives in Australia. They have no relatives in their home country or any other country but Australia. They must have 'close relatives' in Australia. Their relatives must be usual resident in Australia.



This visa is for elderly persons who rely on an Australian relative for support.

Applicants who rely on an Australian for financial support or basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. The applicant must be an eligible relative and meet age requirements.



Are for applicants (under the age of 18) who have been or are about to be adopted by an Australian citizen.



Are for applicants who are an orphan, under 18 year old and are a relative of an Australian.

NOTE – In this section when the term 'Australian or Australians' is used, this may include Australian Citizens or permanent residents and in some cases, New Zealand Citizens may also apply.


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